Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Bitcoin is the "breakthrough" digital currency that allows for instant global unrestricted transfer of value… WITHOUT a bank or any other middleman.

But this story is NOT about Bitcoin. Whether it will go up… down… or sideways…it doesn't matter.
Because it’s the technology behind Bitcoin – called the Blockchain – that’s the true breakthrough

As Fortune magazine says, “Even if the craze for Bitcoin abates, the power of the ‘Blockchain’ technology behind those currencies is very real.”

Bob Greifeld, the CEO of Nasdaq says Blockchain, “is the biggest opportunity set we can think of over the next decade.”

Billionaire computer programmer Marc Andreessen says, “the consequences of this breakthrough are hard to overstate.”

Bill Gates even calls it a “technological tour de force.”
First, the Blockchain is the underlying technology that makes digital currencies like Bitcoin work…
And second – and this is the most important part – it has many uses that extend far beyond digital currencies.
Bitcoin is just the first “killer” blockchain technology app, just like email was the first “killer” Internet app.
In other words, the world hasn't even begun to scratch the surface of what this technology is capable of doing.

The Blockchain is a new type of network that's faster, more secure, private and hackproof than anything  ever seen before…
In fact, it’s proven to be so spectacularly transformative that just about EVERYONE is racing to adopt the technology for their needs.

For example, in the United States:
the $3.1 BILLION Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is testing Blockchain to create a battlefield-ready messaging platform that is secure and impenetrable to foreign attacks;
the U.S. Navy wants to apply Blockchain technology to its processes for 3-D printing to create “on-demand” parts and equipment for soldiers in the field;
the $545 BILLION Department of Defense is incorporating Blockchain to improve online security across the armed forces to prevent megahacks, tampering and cyber-hijackings of aircraft, nuclear weapons, computer systems, vehicles and satellites.
And this is just the very tip of the iceberg.

The Department of Energy is experimenting with Blockchain to help bring power to citizens when the grid goes down for extended periods, such as in a natural disaster.

The Food & Drug administration wants to use blockchain to “hack-proof” the health records of millions of Americans.
The Center for Disease Control is trialing a proof-of-concept platform that could help stop the spread of disease in outbreak situations, such as Ebola or Bird Flu.

In fact, almost every U.S. agency across the board—from the Internal Revenue Service… Homeland Security… to Customs and Border Patrol… FBI… U.S. Health Department… Treasury Department…  and the Department of Veterans Affairs is in the process of implementing this technology.

Several of the biggest financial institutions have joined forces with central banks to have world currencies up and running on the Blockchain.
Stocks, bonds, and mutual funds will all soon be trading on the Blockchain too… The NASDAQ already has a test program in place.
Parts of the world’s largest financial market – the $5 TRILLION per day Forex market – are making the switch to Blockchain too.
And multibillion-dollar corporations, from Amazon to Visa to Wal-Mart to Google to Bank of America – and just about everyone in between – are desperate to use the technology.

But what does all this mean, exactly?
What will the world look like when entire cities and countries – our lives – are on the Blockchain?
Fortunately, thanks to one forward-thinking country, there is a glimpse into the future…

Welcome to Tomorrowland

27 years ago, Estonia was a tiny castoff from Soviet Russia that barely mattered.
Today, according to Wired magazine, it’s “the most advanced digital society in the world.”
The reason is simple.
Estonia is the first nation in the world to adopt the Blockchain on a mass scale…
And the result is like something out of a futuristic utopia.

For example, Estonians vote safely and securely from their laptops at home, without the worry of cyberhackers tampering with elections.
Parking tickets are challenged online, from smartphones…
They pay their taxes online too, in mere minutes (seriously, it takes the average Estonian just 3 minutes to do their taxes).
There are no forms to fill out in doctor’s waiting rooms—patients’ medical histories are all safely and securely stored on the Blockchain.
Prescription drugs are filled instantly and promptly available for pickup at any pharmacy.
Buying and selling property, signing contracts, even starting a business are all near instant transactions in Estonia.
No bureaucracy… no paperwork… no red tape!

That’s why Fortune magazine has dubbed Estonia simply, “Tomorrowland.”

But perhaps one of the biggest benefits of the Blockchain is simply how much time it frees up…
Individually, Estonians get an extra 800 years of free time EVERY SINGLE YEAR.
Collectively, that’s 7 MILLION hours of extra time each year for citizens to pursue new ideas, hobbies, and passions.

The result is one of the most innovative and entrepreneurial societies in the world today…
Internet access is considered a basic human right, like shelter or food.
In fact, it provides one of the fastest and most secure free WiFi networks on the planet…
… virtually the whole country is covered, even beaches and remote forests!

It was the first country to set up a nationwide network of charging stations for electric cars.
Robots are everywhere…delivering groceries, mowing lawns, even delivering drinks on the beach.
Officials are even working on developing a nationwide “precision medicine”-program that would tap into the genome of residents to better diagnose illnesses and create personalized drugs.

Through its innovative e-residency program, anyone in the world can become a virtual citizen and access many of Estonia’s programs – like e-banking, remote money transfers, starting a business, digitally signing and verifying contracts and documents, and much more – all without packing your bags!

Keep in mind: 27 years ago, less than half the population of Estonia had access to a telephone…..
Today, it’s one of the most advanced countries the world has ever seen.
It’s GDP is growing nearly 3-TIMES faster than America’s, its stock market is soaring, and the average resident’s income has more than QUADRUPLED since going digital.

And Blockchain will help continue those trends, and why just about every industry on the planet is about to go through a transformation of mammoth proportions.
Within the banking industry, for example,
100 of the biggest financial institutions in the world have all signed on to make the switch to Blockchain:
Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citi, Capital One, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, U.S. Bancorp, Credit Suisse, TD Bank etc. are all developing Blockchain platforms to improve the speed, efficiency, and security of consumer financial transactions.

In fact, using this technology is projected to save these companies $20 billion per year in operational costs, according to a recent industry report.

Royal Bank of Canada, the largest bank in the country, is trialing blockchain technology for faster and more secure fund transfers to and from the U.S.

Visa, Mastercard, and American Express are all testing a blockchain platforms aimed at cutting out the middlemen the credit card industry currently relies on and speeding up settlement times from days to mere seconds.

IBM is launching a blockchain-based payment platform that allows merchants and consumers to send money to another country in near real-time, accelerating a payments process that typically takes days.

It’s going to radically disrupt the global utility giants. One Blockchain project currently in development will let people pick their power sources directly – cutting out energy distributors and other middlemen – making bills dramatically cheaper.

A Seattle based start-up already has a pilot program in place in New York City!

Microsoft founder Bill Gates is backing a revolutionary Blockchain project to help the more than 2 billion people worldwide who don’t have bank accounts, as no physical bank location is needed to send, receive, or even save money.

In the healthcare industry, companies will use blockchain to manage supply chains and thwart the trade of counterfeit drugs, which tragically kill over 1 million people each year, including tens of thousands of innocent children.

Wal-Mart is running blockchain experiments to improve food safety and supply chain logistics…
By using blockchain, Wal-Mart can trace the origin of any food on its shelves in just 2.2 seconds.
Before Blockchain… it took 6 days, which, during an outbreak or a food-related health scare, is a lifetime.
With Blockchain, Wal-Mart can save lives by acting quickly, as 48 million people get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die of foodborne diseases each year in America alone.

That’s why food giants Unilever, Nestlé, Dole, Kroger, Tyson Foods, and McCormick are following Wal-Mart’s lead.

It is easy to see why many insiders are calling the Blockchain “the fourth industrial revolution” and “the greatest paradigm shift of our generation.”

Blockchain is going to change EVERYTHING.

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